1. 《信用评级业管理暂行办法》征求意见稿出台
2. 我来贷宣布关闭校园贷业务
3. 深交所、港交所等四方签订深港通协议
4. 安永进军黄金交易市场,研发区块链黄金结算工具
国际咨询巨头安永(EY)和纽约区块链初创公司Paxos公布了合作关系,共同为黄金市场研发新的技术解决方案。 本次合作的目标是为黄金交易中的清算与结算过程提供新的工具。双方会采用Paxos的区块链网络。据悉,区块链是本次合作的基础。安永资本市场创新部门合伙人大卫·威廉姆斯(David Williams)说: 我们认为未来的资本市场需要更强大同时也更具创新性的生态系统。本次合作能够彻底改革市场,将为未来金融公司和市场参与者进一步合作树立标杆。
5. LendIt与AMTD结成合作伙伴,并联合在香港成立办公室
LendIt, a global conference and events organizer established by Jason Jones, Peter Renton and Bo Brustkern, has announced a strategic partnership withAMTD Group Limited (AMTD). LendIt released the news during its annual LendIt Europe conference taking place in London today. AMTD and LendIt had previously partnered with AMTD on the Global Fintech Investment Summit held in Hong Kong in July 2016.
Jones told Crowdfund Insider;“We are thrilled to deepen our partnership with AMTD which will further help leading fintech companies from around the world establish relationships with Chinese investors and companies. As the fintech sector continues to grow and mature, we are committed to further extending our role as a key facilitator of investment activity in this space.”
来源:crowdfund insider
6. 德国比特币初创企业Bitbond拿到BaFin牌照
Bitbond, a Berlin-based startup that connects small business owners who need a loan with investors and uses the Bitcoin blockchain for payment processing, announced on Tuesday it received its BaFin license.
Sharing details about the new license Radoslav Albrecht, founder and CEO of Bitbond, stated:“With our own BaFin licence that allows us to conduct asset brokerage Bitbond is active independently of banks. This provides us with a significant efficiency advantage. Other Fintech startups normally rent a licence and by that are bound regionally. Our own licence helps us to fulfill our mission which is to make financing and investing globally accessible. We are proud to be one of the first regulated financial services providers in the entire blockchain space. This creates legal security with investors on our platform and shows, that Germany is a good location for innovative and globally active financial services providers.”
来源:crowdfund insider
7. 为支持特朗普 有人在GoFundMe上发起了一个众筹项目
A donation-based crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe is looking for contributions to fund a Donald Trump “Sunlight Campaign” and on day one has raised about $25,000.
The campaign page, created by Aaron Holman, has been receiving a steady clip of small donations. But there are more than a few that top several hundred dollars with one individual kicking in $2000.00 to fund the project. And what will they receive for their contributions? A chance to pay legal fees and penalties for anyone that encounters the legal wrath of Donald Trump or his surrogates for releasing the truth.
来源:crowdfund insider
8. 美国联邦上诉法院认为消费者和金融保护局违宪
The Consumer and Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has been labeled “unconstitutional” by a federal appeals court. The ruling addressed specifically the agency’s structure and the amount of control exercised by its director – currently Richard Cordray. The ruling allows for the CFPB to continue to operate.
Circuit Judge Kavanagh opened his opinion with the statement;
“This is a case about executive power and individual liberty. The U.S. Government’s executive power to enforce federal law against private citizens – for example, to bring criminal prosecutions and civil enforcement actions – is essential to societal order and progress, but simultaneously a grave threat to individual liberty.”
来源:crowdfund insider
9. Lord Adair Turner:网贷使金融系统更稳定
The above statement came from Lord Adair Turner in a speech delivered at LendIt Europe this week. He was reflecting upon how peer to peer lending can avoid situations of systemic risk as exemplified by the not too distant past.
Lord Turner told the audience that “banks are a dangerous thing”. But banks are also economically useful. The leverage, mismatched maturities, and opaque structures create risk. Policy makers mandate capital and liquidity requirements to mitigate this intrinsic risk. Lord Turner is now a believer in direct non-bank lending;
“my judgement is that the direct lending industry will grow and play a useful role, alongside tightly regulated banks, in our overall credit supply system.”
来源:crowdfund insider
10. 马化腾:网约车不要一棒打死 希望新规慎重
10月12日消息,2016年全国大众创业万众创新活动周暨第二届深圳国际创客周在深圳湾创业广场开幕。马云、马化腾、库克等中外科技企业高层参加会议,共同探讨创新创业。腾讯公司董事局主席兼CEO 马化腾首个发言。谈到最近在北京、上海、深圳等地出台的网约车新政,他表示,网约车新政不要一棒打死,希望能慎重,给缓冲时间,再进一步调研。
